Our nation braces for the apex on the curve of resources needed to manage the COVID-19 cases which is expected to peak on April 13, 2020. By continuing to observe the hygiene measures with handwashing, wearing face masks, and social distancing, we will be on the downside of the curve in the coming days.

COVID-19 Curve

A recent op-ed article about getting through the pandemic by Mark Tipps, an attorney who worked as a top aide to former Senators Dr. Bill Frist and Fred Thompson in the state of Tennessee, reminds us that this situation, as bad as it is, is temporary.  He reflected, “Keep taking steps forward and do the next right thing. And along the way help those who need it and be grateful for what you have. This too shall pass, and we may well be better for it as a nation.” I think he’s correct. The COVID-19 pandemic will run its course. And, as we head into this coming holiday weekend let’s all lean into hope and seek the light at the end of this tunnel.



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